Welcome to International Journal of Integrated Studies and Research (FREE DOI)

The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies and Research is devoted to advancing and understanding of issues in the management of global enterprises, theory and practice. Four times a year, IJISAR will publish leading edge research on topics based on various disciplines of Law, Management, Humanities, Social Sciences and Commerce. This journal seeks to navigate all resources to the advancement and betterment of multidisciplinary research. Reviews and critiques that include a guide for improved theory and international management research also are encouraged. Published on a quarterly basis, IJISAR is a double blinded peer review journal which is highly selective in nature. We offer the allocation of Digital Object Identifier (DOI) without any additional charges.
- IJISAR in an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal.
- Recognition on global platform
- We offer relatively fast publication
- Individual e-certificate to all authors
- Response to all queries within 24 hours
- Open access journal promotes high visibility
- Authors can submit paper easily by online submission
- Provision of hard copy of certificate
- No extra charges for additional authors